Page 1 - Current Newsletter
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Carroll County Historical Society                  P.O. Box 1308         Carrollton, GA. 30112        1st Quarter 2024

             Stewart Martin, Carrollton’s Youngest Mayor

                  Stewart Mar n took the oath                                             A er gradua ng from
          of office as Mayor of the City of Car-                                     Carrollton High School in 1930,
          rollton in October 1939. At age 26, Mr.                                  he a ended Bowdon College and
          Mar n was the youngest mayor to                                          was a member of the first gradu-
          serve the city of Carrollton. He suc-                                    a ng class of West Georgia Col-
          ceeds Tom Luck, who re res a er ten                                      lege in 1933. Stewart graduated
          years of service.                                                        from Emory University in 1935.

                 The Oath was administered by                                              Stewart began his career
          Jus ce of the Peace, J.W. Stallings. Im-                                 as a teacher at Farmer’s High
          mediately therea er Councilmen; J.R.                                     community. A er a while Stew-
          Wynn, Alton Lane, D.L. Carter and J.N.                                   art decided to learn the family
          Crider were sworn in as well.                                            business.

                 Mr. Mar n was best remem-                                                On Christmas Eve 1940,
          bered for his many years of serving as                                   Stewart married Miss. Agnes
          Director of Mar n-Hightower Funeral                                      Sco . She is the daughter of O s
          Home.  This business was located for                                     Tom Sco , Sr. and Bessie Smith
          many years on Center Street.                                             Sco .

                 His father, Cliff Mar n worked for Jack Ay-                During WWII Stewart was appointed as
          cock at his Funeral Home on Adamson Square,              Head of the Dra  Board in Carroll County.
          where The Green Lantern is presently located. Lat-       Through the years Stewart would serve the peo-
          er Cliff Mar n would go into business with his            ple of Carroll County in many ways in civic, reli-
          brother-in-law, Henry Almon. About 1932 they es-         gious  and business endeavors. A long  me mem-
          tablished  Mar n-Almon Funeral Home and Mar n            ber of Tabernacle Bap st Church, where he
          became the Director.                                     served as Deacon for over 40 years.
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